Tuesday 19 August 2014

Thumbs Cafe, Ipoh

Salam everyone! Last week, after work, I managed to have my dinner at Thumbs Cafe with Fatin and Zuria, both are my schoolmates. Tetiba rasa nak telan meatballs, meatballs IKEA tak ada sini jadi yang paling hampir adalah this cool cafe! This cafe owned by Muslim so no worries, it's halalan toyyiban!

So, I ordered Meatballs and chocolate drink topped with cream. As for Zuria, she ordered Tortilla Wrap and the same drink with me. While Fatin, she ordered Chicken Chop and black coffee also topped with cream.  Yang kelakarnya when the waitress came and gave Fatin her drink, tengok-tengok cream dah cair and dah blend terus dengan air since it's hot. Haha. 

Well, makanan kat situ best jugak. 4.5/5 stars for the food! But Fatin said the choices for drinks agak limited and they should add some other coffee sebab nama pun cafe kan? I setuju jugk since I pun gelabah tak tau dah nak order apa masa tu. I've been there for a couple of time, so everytime I pergi, the food memang yang sama je I order. Meatball! But when it comes to the drinks, tak tau dah nak pilih apa. I prefer coffee so kalau ada banyak pilihan, it'd be perfect!

And one thing for sure yang I'm satisfied is the deco. Homey and ranggi! I love the combination of the traditional look and DIY furniture. Sangat unik! 

But somehow I'm very upset sebab the concept is open air even though they do have bumbung. Kenapa I cakap macam tu? Sebabnya..semua tingkap and pintu diorang bukak. That's why I panggil open air. And there's no non-smoking section! So if someone's smoking, the smoke will circulate within the cafe. Tak terbang lepas, gittew. Memang our bad luck laa kot untuk hari tu, the guys who sat next to our table were smoking from the very beginning when we stepped in the cafe until we paid our bills! That was rude, I tell you. You know that other people are eating, so why not you go out and smoke outside kan? Since the cafe also has outdoor section. Tu memang betul-betul open air punya. 

This is not the fault of the cafe's management but the problem rooted from the attitude of smokers themselves. Tapi boleh je kalau next time the cafe put a sign for non smoking area. Baru boleh bawak my mom yang memang tak tahan asap rokok tu makan sana. Hah, bertambah sorang customer ye dak?

Ahah, for the location, it's located in Greentown Ipoh. Next to a steamboat restaurant if I'm not mistaken. And it's near to MARA building belakang Sekolah Ta'yah tu. Well, dah panjang I berleter kan? Jadi, jamulah mata dengan foto yang sempat dirakam! Maaf, kualiti tak bagus sangat. Hehe. Till next time. Bye!

Abaikan manusia seksi di belakang iteww

Fatin's Chicken Chop and her Melted Cream Topped Coffee. Hahah

Mine - 6 pieces Meatballs with Brown Sauce

Tortilla Wrap for Zuria

The Choco Drink Topped with Cream

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